Build Up Your Body!

Sunday, February 19, 2012 Xarruc 0 Comments

Ada satu website untuk kesihatan dicadangkan oleh kawan aku, cause by my issue last week. Last week aku terjumpa kawan yg dah lama tak jumpa at my new workplace. So since dah lama tak jumpa, first thing yang dia tegur, "wahh dah makin comel awak ni kan, cantik", oppss blush me, ahaks!.

But then, dia tegur 2nd thing, with good intention he said, "awak, saya tengok awak makin bahagia, dah berisi dari dulu (with big grin)", DARN! Dalam diam dia kata aku berisi, hahahaha... Aku tak ada la terasa, but tak sangka direct dia nak tegur kan, but I like his way, soft way, muahaha... Dah nama perempuan, mesti la sensitif bab ni. But I do appreciate it. At least ada gak point untuk aku exercise.

So salah sorang kawan aku ni, lelaki jugak who care the most of his health then suggest me this website, where I can learn how to exercise, either simple one or hard one. So aku pon try la tengok website ni, then I find it's very useful! Seriously, tak perlu nak ke gim pon ko boleh build up body. Tak perlu alat-alat asal ada semangat. Tak perlu pon 1 jam di gim, setakat 10 minit sehari pun dah cukup.

If you think it's a waste, seriously your wrong~! Just go and see yourself this website
Passion4Profession, you'll see that is perfect!

:: Credit :: Copyright of photo/photos is not mine, but belongs to respective owner/owners ::
:: source :: Google ::

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