Tuesday, January 31, 2012 Xarruc 0 Comments


          Mood: TENSION. Serabut. Bila tension, segala moral dan adab boleh runtuh kalau emosi menguasai akal. Bukan setakat maki hamun, segala english curse pon boleh terbit kalau emo dah tahap radioaktif. Mudahnya untuk orang yang mudah berkata-kata, tak payah tahan mulut and perasaan terus kuar 'kata-kata mutiara'. Kalau keluar jer, skali dengar macam damak beracun - sakit and ngilu serta merta! At least orang-orang ini tak makan hati. Apa yang keluar, itulah yang jujur. Even bunyi kasar, but they don't hide anything. 

          Kalau orang yang mampu kawal perasaan, of course la logik akal dan moral plus adab dia maintain seiring, tak dikaburi emosi. But it's hard for them. Sebabnya even seseorang itu mampu kawal emosi, berfikir dengan tenang, tapi kalau dah berkehendak dan punyai kepentingan, mesti orang itu tetap berperang dengan emosinya. Yang ini paling sakit! Sebabkan akalnya menentukan walau marah or emosi, moral mengatasi segalanya, so jadilah dia sebagai manusia beradap. Tapi, perasaan dalaman dia, hebat berperang.

That's why women normally never hides her feelings as it is a pressure to her soul and mind. It's burdensome if not letting every single thought and emotion out by either talking or one that man hates the most, crying.

So kalo kita tension , apa yang kita boleh buat yerkk?? Ada caranya kalau nak cuba:

Naik turun tangga sampai kaki menggeletar...
Kebaikannya: dapat menghilangkan lemak berkilo-kilo anda sekurang-kurangnya  420gram.

Tukar-tukar channel tv berkali-kali...
Kebaikannya: kalau ada mamat hensem or awek cun boleh la cuci mata kejap, tak la teringat sangat benda yang dimarah. Paling tak pon, boleh hempuk remote ke dinding. Takyah la guna henpon, mahal sangat, guna jer remote, RM5 pon dapat yang baru.

Eksperimen make-up...
Kebaikannya: haa leh cuba teknik-teknik ekstrem. Masa ni tak apa kalau make comot macam badut pon, housemate confirm tak kata apa-apa.

Dobi pakaian manually.
Kebaikannya: boleh laa kurangkan kuantiti baju terpakai dalam bakul baju. Masa sental baju dengan berus tu, anggap jer tu muka orang yang dimarahkan tu. Mesti bersih tip top baju-baju tu. Kalau rasa nak gusti, haaa baling jer baju tu gaya macam orang India dulu-dulu handwash baju. Ataupun pijak-pijak terus macam tengah pijak orang tu. At least marah hilang, tak kena jel and boleh mantapkan body sekaligus, amacam bagus tak?


:: Credit :: Copyright of photo/photos is not mine, but belongs to respective owner/owners ::
:: source :: Google ::


A Person...

Friday, January 27, 2012 Xarruc 0 Comments

"Talking much won't do anything if there's no sincerity;

sometimes observing and analyzing is better;

as natural behaviour is more spontaneous,

where lies the truth of who a person really are, rather than words".


We May .....

Friday, January 13, 2012 Xarruc 0 Comments

We May .....

We may look blur but we are not dumb.

We may look innocent but you can't see the dark.

We may say or look stupid to others, but at least we are honest.

We may be happy and cheerful, but you can never tell a lonely heart.

We may say anything that we want unintentionally, but some part it can hurt others.

We may seem alone without people aside, but you dont know, as person may prefer that way as long as it doesn't hurt.

We may be bad and act bad, but at least we never hide anything.

:: Credit :: Copyright of photo/photos is not mine, but belongs to respective owner/owners ::
:: source :: Google ::


Bungy... Exciting, but.........

Tuesday, January 10, 2012 Xarruc 0 Comments

         I'm a person who love to enjoy outdoors activities. So, setakat abseiling, flying-fox, water rafting and jungle-trecking yang simple and tak menakutkan tu okie saja, tak ada la scary sangat, but of course still nerve-wrecking the higher it is. Aku teringin nak cuba aktiviti ekstrem, macam bungy-jumping. 

         But sejak akhir-akhir ini, kan ada keluar news mengenai Erin Langworthy yang jatuh semasa melakukan bungy jumping makes me think twice. Kalau la ditakdirkan tali tu tersasar ke kanan sket, mesti dah nazak terkena batu-batu sungai tu... Hishhhh, scary... 

          Maybe if there is anyone who loves to challenge himself/herself with this kind of activities should think twice. Is it just satisfaction of adrenaline that you eager for, or it is your life and physical that you care the most? This girl was lucky, but don't expect that you'll have the luck as she had.

Insiden bungy Erin Langworthy


I Like ...I Love........

Tuesday, January 10, 2012 Xarruc 0 Comments

I like to have fun wherever it is.
I like to travel and sight-seeing also take random photos.
I love my friends whoever they are.