Bungy... Exciting, but.........

Tuesday, January 10, 2012 Xarruc 0 Comments

         I'm a person who love to enjoy outdoors activities. So, setakat abseiling, flying-fox, water rafting and jungle-trecking yang simple and tak menakutkan tu okie saja, tak ada la scary sangat, but of course still nerve-wrecking the higher it is. Aku teringin nak cuba aktiviti ekstrem, macam bungy-jumping. 

         But sejak akhir-akhir ini, kan ada keluar news mengenai Erin Langworthy yang jatuh semasa melakukan bungy jumping makes me think twice. Kalau la ditakdirkan tali tu tersasar ke kanan sket, mesti dah nazak terkena batu-batu sungai tu... Hishhhh, scary... 

          Maybe if there is anyone who loves to challenge himself/herself with this kind of activities should think twice. Is it just satisfaction of adrenaline that you eager for, or it is your life and physical that you care the most? This girl was lucky, but don't expect that you'll have the luck as she had.

Insiden bungy Erin Langworthy

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